Monday, May 18, 2009

229.5 (52.5) Another Week: Bright and Sunny in spite of my mood

Good morning!

The best moment and the worst moment of the weekend were side-by-side. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. yesterday morning, totally lost as to the day. I thought I had missed my window for a full workout, that it was Monday, I would be running late, and completely behind. After a minute or so, though, as I was collecting my senses, I realized it was actually only Sunday, and that a full rich day was ahead of me! What a relief! I dozed for another hour, then watched the next installment of "The Biggest Loser" on my laptop (from bed). Very decadent, and a much nicer way to start the day.

This was another odd weekend, filled with surprises and disappointments. I've been cultivating the art of "No Expectations" and it works well enough... until I find myself cancelled on and feeling let down. I guess I need to be more honest about my TRUE expectations, especially the long shots.

So... I had a lot of open time on Saturday. Went for a great 30 mile bike ride with my younger brother along the lakefront, and ended the day caught up on laundry, rest, and downtime. Sunday was a sunny day at Six Flags with very low crowds and some great rollercoasters. I made it back home in time to get in a very quick workout at the gym (weights only) and finish the day strong (in spite of onion rings, fried mushrooms, hot pretzels and cheese! lol). A very good night's sleep and a 4:30 wake up helped me be one of the first gym rats in this morning. It was an "auto pilot" day at the gym, but that's fine with me.

I'm feeling sad but not surprised this morning. I'm thinking that it's time for a change in my life. I usually do things in haste, so perhaps the first step is to think things over carefully and make a SMART change, one that improves upon my situation. More to come as I meditate on this.

Volleyball tonight. Work, and a tasty salad, right now.

I hope you're well. Spring is here! :)

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