Wednesday, May 6, 2009

226 and rolling (31) - Happy May!

Hello and Good Morning!

It's May 6th, and months have passed. I've lost a pound since my last blog! And kept it off for 2 days in a row. Progress! Ahh, but you know, it's not about what we've lost so much as it's about what we've gained in the interim.

I was fortunate enough to play volleyball over New Year's Eve, spiking in the New Year, as it were. What a great way to usher in 2009! It was the wild card option for the evening, and I'm glad I took a chance.

Crazy good fortune smiled on me and 5 weeks later I was in Japan, on a 9-day whirlwind tour of Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Miyajima and Kegon (among others). What an amazing trip! I still shake my head that there are places in the world firmly rooted both in the future and the ancient past.

Bought a new bike.... super lightweight and a huge improvement over my mountain bike of 14+ years. I feel like quicksilver on wheels, and spring has never been so welcome (in spite of constant sneezing from early allergies).

Came back from Vegas last week! Small world... saw a friend at McCarran Airport! One of my morning Bally's exercisers... funny how things go. And nice to set down roots... unexpected surprises in life. BTW, Vegas was great. This was a pure gambling trip. Craps took its toll, however, and blackjack brought me back into the money. Came back from 4 days in the dessert with a small fortune! (due to the sad fact that I arrived out there with a large fortune!)

Volleyball and exercise continue to dominate the weekdays. I'm determined to meet my primary goal (And the title of this post) with early bedtimes (9:30) and morning workouts (5am). So far so good. I recently hit 1 year of logged gym days! That's 365 workouts out of 913 days.... a workout every 2.5 days! Nice! I've maintained a 17 pound weight loss since this began at the end of July 2006. Perspective really helps, especially when there's not a lot of change in the day-to-day.

Other than that, I'm loving all the broccoli and spinach in the mornings! Good stuff (lol). What a change, and what a surprise. It's been a year since my divorce, and it's the little habits, the daily things that have saved my life. My family, my friends, perspective, prayer and broccoli have combined to get me to a healthier place. I live a charmed life.

Onwards and upwards. I've begun to speak my mind, earlier and more directly than any other time in my life. I'm still a terrible listener but there are signs of improvement. I have very few expectations but plenty of hope, and I will give back love and help and support wherever I can. It's a simple truth of the universe: Shared pain is lessened. Shared joy is increased. (and a good block in volleyball beats a solid spike any day!)

...and shared meals are great! Here are photos of yesterday's breakfast and lunch. I'm very proud of my creations! Enjoy!

Frank (Woody)

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