Thursday, May 7, 2009

224 (29) How Much Sleep is Needed, Anyways?

Crazy scale... it can't make up its mind.

Hopped on this morning, 223. Nice! Checked again, 223. Alright. 3rd time's the charm.... 224! hmmm... alright, one more verification....(hopped on scale after my shower).... 225!!

So... I'm happy with 224. That's a great number. I was 226 a couple of days ago, and in the 230s for the better part of March and April. 4 days of 5 a.m. workouts (with a lot of evening volleyball) and very scrupulous nutritional journaling. I'm headed back in the right direction.

Gotta journal. It's the most important step. I'm serious. If I eat it, I write it down. If I don't write it down, these "invisible calories" have a way of adding up REAL FAST. When I'm at the gym, I think to myself: "I'm here to keep my metabolism from going into 'survival only' mode." When I'm looking at a plate of veggies (instead of pizza), I think to myself: "I'm doing this to stay healthy, get strong and lean, and have the right fuel for my workouts." And when I journal about my food and exercise for the day, I say to myself: "This is tedious, but it's the lynchpin upon which my goals are tethered. What I'm writing down today is worth its weight in gold. I'm creating a source of data for support, study, refinement and reflection."

So... I was hungry last night. Stomach-crawlingly hungry. But it was 11pm. Chose a slug of Gatorade and a glass of water. Stomach quieted, went to bed. This morning... felt a lot better, but 4 days of 3+ gym miles (and 8 miles on Tuesday), my legs and arms are sore. So enter the 4th most important thing: STRETCH.

(repeat daily)


It's been a good week. I'm concerned that I'm shortchanging myself on sleep, and that my evening activities will cut too deeply into the 7 hours of sleep I want. Tonight is no exception. Just have to make it to the weekend.... (later workouts on Sat/Sun, more opportunities to nap in the afternoon).

Thanks! Those are my thoughts on weight loss today. The morning's broccoli and spinach taste good, and will see me through for another hour before lunch (rice and beans and garlic salsa).

Take care! Today I'm prepared to make the right decisions.


p.s. When I see 219.... oh, I'm going to be smiling. That's a GREAT number!

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