Saturday, May 30, 2009

225 (48) Feeling Blue

The waning days of May... overcast, no rain and a lovely quiet Saturday.

I hope you're well.

225 BEFORE a pancake, egg & sausage breakfast. Coffee with milk and sugar, Barlean's Greens (cold) mixed with room temperature Gatorade (hard to drink this green juice when it's warm), and a half glass of OJ. Yum! I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen to my favorite workout music. A very good morning.

So I'm feeling blue... because I've got a blue shirt on, blue jeans, and the general "less than thrilled" feeling of being stood up on yet another May Saturday morning. I'm going to stop accepting text messages from gorgeous women before noon on Saturdays... unless they're texting me from the other room, that is...

(today, a lovely brunette texted me to cancel on morning volleyball. It's now morphed into late afternoon/evening volleyball up in Gages Lake).

Just popped into the office to place a few orders. Leaving in an hour. Nice to mark the day, especially as most weekends (with regards to nutrition and exercise) are only loosely recorded in my journal.

Take care! Talk to you soon,

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