Wednesday, May 27, 2009

223.5 (46.5) Have I ALWAYS been into chaos?

Good morning! I hope this posting finds you well.

Wednesday and gray out there today. It's not humid, and there's a sharp bite in the air. Nor is it a sharp "winter's coming" feel, but rather cold and crisp and full of life... like taking a bite out of a fresh stalk of broccoli.

So... here we are again. Lots to talk about, but not a lot of time at the moment. In the words of the underwear salesman, let's be brief.

The first reading on the scale this morning was 223.5. Second and third readings varied all the way to 225, so I'm opting to just weigh myself once from here on out, otherwise I'm putting way too much emphasis on this. As it is, weight loss has hijacked this blog lately (as well as earned a notation in every title).

It was a very good Memorial Day weekend for me. I slept in on Saturday and Monday. Good thing, too, as Bike the Drive on Sunday had us up before 4am! That was terrible and painful and much too early, even for me. I had a grumpy drive downtown Sunday morning, and in spite of the early wake up, we didn't start riding til 6:30. Next time, I HAVE to get to bed by 9 (instead of midnight).

The bike ride was awesome! What a great way to see the city, riding car-free (and carefree) along Lake Shore Drive on a bright and cloudless spring morning. Southbound riding was a breeze, but a cross wind going north really took its toll. Short supplies at the rest stops had my nephew upset ("No more cookies? I wanna go home!") Me too. But the final leg of the 30 mile trip was headed south, and it was a pleasure and a breeze. The day rounded out nicely with 4 hours of sand volleyball pick-up games at the park district, and then a nice dinner date at the end of the evening. There was talk of a movie but I would've been asleep before the previews finished.

Saturday! Woke up decadently at 10, was in the office by noon, at the pool by 5:30 and in the gym by 6:45. The lazy river was warm and comfortable, and the crowds were absent. Ran a quick mile on the treadmill, did one set of weights, and then zipped over to pick up some deep dish pizza and salad. Quiet night in, but stayed up til midnight (dummy).

Monday was a pleasure. Slept in again until about 10. Pancake house for breakfast (mmmm, butterscotch pancakes!), visited my friends and helped with their bonfire. Picnic lunch, then home for laundry, and finally an evening of bowling and a spaghetti dinner with 2 other couples and their kids. A great evening and a nice way to spend a cold and gray Memorial Day.

I made smart food choices all weekend with the exception of the deep dish pizza. Cold pizza for leftovers does NOT taste that great, yet I ate 4 pieces over Sunday and Monday. Bad choice. I made it back to the gym Tuesday morning and had a solid workout. I chose to sleep in this morning (Wednesday), but I packed my gym bag for a good workout tonight (feels like vacation, somehow). There'll be a little griefing from my fellow 5am gym rats tomorrow, but it was worth the extra hour of sleep. I played 8 games of volleyball last night, and my body is glad for the half day break.

So... I've been meditating on the idea that I have a tendency to create my own chaos. 10 actual meditation minutes! You know, my life is good, easy breezy, and then I create situations that cause unnecessary stress. It's more noticeable now simply because I have less overall stress in my life, and the addition of anything new (and stressful) is very apparent. I'm being vague, but that's alright. I received a "still waiting for you" email from an ex-girlfriend, and it bothered me. Move on! Please! For my sake! (laughing) I'm serious though. I was honest and direct when I knew I was no longer interested, and after months of no contact, I receive a "still have feelings for you" email. (sigh) Alright, written and done. I'm going to be Taoist about this... let it pass through me, and move on. It's not my issue to worry over. The correct response to this email will be: "Thank you for your email. My feelings haven't changed. I'm seeing other people. All the best." My instincts (and those whose advice I value) say this is the best course of action. Done and done.

Anyways... 223.5 is a great number for a Wednesday! Can we see 222 this week? That would be so incredibly great! I think we will, especially if I put in a 2000 calorie workout tonight. That means 2 hours of cardio + weights. Hmmm... I'll start packing a swimsuit and goggles for the pool, too. I want to add swimming to the routine, mixing things up and giving my knee a break. In terms of food, the big meal will be lunch (chicken breast, turkey chili and rice) and then a smart snack mid-afternoon, and a smart dinner... banana, 20 almonds, some leftover chili and rice.

Take care. Thanks for reading. Talk to you soon.


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