Hey hey!
2 weekend posts! What is happening?!? I'm supposed to be outside when the good weather rolls around! Well, one minute inside and then an hour out in the sun. That's the way to do it.
Sunday and sunny. Played 6 hours of sand volleyball last night, starting at 4pm! 2 on 2 all the way up to 4 on 5. My sand legs are still on back order, but my passing has improved. Just gotta get wayyyy down close to the ground, bending my knees to more effectively absorb the impact of the first serve. As Yoda often reminded Luke: "Control. Control. You MUST learn control!" As with Jedi, so with volleyball...
226 and no surprise. 6 hours of beer and then 2 drive-thrus (White Castle and McDonald's) at near midnight. Blech. I'm at the office now (2pm) and I'm leaving at 3:30 to get in a nice long, deliberate workout. 90 minutes of cardio and then a full rotation of weights (9 machines). 219 is on my mind. Under 220 is the weight where I start thinking about new jeans and smaller waist sizes. Under 220 is a great place to be. Under 220... now we're cooking with gas!
Take care!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
225 (48) Feeling Blue
The waning days of May... overcast, no rain and a lovely quiet Saturday.
I hope you're well.
225 BEFORE a pancake, egg & sausage breakfast. Coffee with milk and sugar, Barlean's Greens (cold) mixed with room temperature Gatorade (hard to drink this green juice when it's warm), and a half glass of OJ. Yum! I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen to my favorite workout music. A very good morning.
So I'm feeling blue... because I've got a blue shirt on, blue jeans, and the general "less than thrilled" feeling of being stood up on yet another May Saturday morning. I'm going to stop accepting text messages from gorgeous women before noon on Saturdays... unless they're texting me from the other room, that is...
(today, a lovely brunette texted me to cancel on morning volleyball. It's now morphed into late afternoon/evening volleyball up in Gages Lake).
Just popped into the office to place a few orders. Leaving in an hour. Nice to mark the day, especially as most weekends (with regards to nutrition and exercise) are only loosely recorded in my journal.
Take care! Talk to you soon,
I hope you're well.
225 BEFORE a pancake, egg & sausage breakfast. Coffee with milk and sugar, Barlean's Greens (cold) mixed with room temperature Gatorade (hard to drink this green juice when it's warm), and a half glass of OJ. Yum! I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen to my favorite workout music. A very good morning.
So I'm feeling blue... because I've got a blue shirt on, blue jeans, and the general "less than thrilled" feeling of being stood up on yet another May Saturday morning. I'm going to stop accepting text messages from gorgeous women before noon on Saturdays... unless they're texting me from the other room, that is...
(today, a lovely brunette texted me to cancel on morning volleyball. It's now morphed into late afternoon/evening volleyball up in Gages Lake).
Just popped into the office to place a few orders. Leaving in an hour. Nice to mark the day, especially as most weekends (with regards to nutrition and exercise) are only loosely recorded in my journal.
Take care! Talk to you soon,
Friday, May 29, 2009
221 (44) Broccoli Breath and Weekend Confirmed
Good morning!
For a quick recap, the first number in my title is my current weight (in pounds). The second number, in parentheses, is the amount of weight left to lose in order to achieve the (ideal) mid-range weight of 177 pounds. Online sources agree that a funny, good-looking (humble) and brainy 6'4" white male should weigh around 177 (and no more than 204). The exercise continues.
so.... where were we? ahh yes... GOOD MORNING!
man, the broccoli today.... is very... broccoli'ish. aka: potent aftertaste. Yum yum. Perhaps I should try steaming it occasionally. well... the bachelor that I am comes prepared with mouthwash at hand (one never knows when lovely ladies will appear at your elbow). Such is the nature of wily women.
Hey hey! 2 days of 221! I've held the weight ("Stay on target!") for 24 hours! Excellent! Not without help. 7 games of sand volleyball last night (I lost all 7, but had such a fun time playing! crazy!), asleep after midnight, and somehow found my way into the gym for an exceptional workout this morning (45 minutes on the elliptical, 8 minutes of very fast running on the treadmill, and then 30 minutes of solid weight lifting). Good stuff. I'm feeling strong, lean, and ready for the weekend. (side note: It's so funny how clothes can firm up the mindset. When I wear my weight-lifting gloves, I feel unstoppable.)
When the weekends roll around, I'm a bit "off the ranch", so to speak. I can control my diet in the office very effectively (I eat what I bring). It's a structured environment and there are lots of interesting distractions. 2 free days, however.... yeah, that can be a problem. I'm concerned. So... plan and scheme. In an hour (lunchtime) I'm going to give careful consideration to the food I'll have this weekend. Face it. The pizza is good, but I have little to no self control, so I'm better avoiding it and having an excellent salad instead. I've adopted a "scorched earth" policy when it comes to my favorite foods. Until I can demonstrate some self disclipine, I won't let myself near them.
Life is good today. I'm feeling balanced and at peace.
Have a great weekend! Get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather. mid-70s and not too buggy yet. Remember, these are the days we DREAM about as we're nestled under feet of snow in the oddly blue-white haze of December twilight.
Take care,
For a quick recap, the first number in my title is my current weight (in pounds). The second number, in parentheses, is the amount of weight left to lose in order to achieve the (ideal) mid-range weight of 177 pounds. Online sources agree that a funny, good-looking (humble) and brainy 6'4" white male should weigh around 177 (and no more than 204). The exercise continues.
so.... where were we? ahh yes... GOOD MORNING!
man, the broccoli today.... is very... broccoli'ish. aka: potent aftertaste. Yum yum. Perhaps I should try steaming it occasionally. well... the bachelor that I am comes prepared with mouthwash at hand (one never knows when lovely ladies will appear at your elbow). Such is the nature of wily women.
Hey hey! 2 days of 221! I've held the weight ("Stay on target!") for 24 hours! Excellent! Not without help. 7 games of sand volleyball last night (I lost all 7, but had such a fun time playing! crazy!), asleep after midnight, and somehow found my way into the gym for an exceptional workout this morning (45 minutes on the elliptical, 8 minutes of very fast running on the treadmill, and then 30 minutes of solid weight lifting). Good stuff. I'm feeling strong, lean, and ready for the weekend. (side note: It's so funny how clothes can firm up the mindset. When I wear my weight-lifting gloves, I feel unstoppable.)
When the weekends roll around, I'm a bit "off the ranch", so to speak. I can control my diet in the office very effectively (I eat what I bring). It's a structured environment and there are lots of interesting distractions. 2 free days, however.... yeah, that can be a problem. I'm concerned. So... plan and scheme. In an hour (lunchtime) I'm going to give careful consideration to the food I'll have this weekend. Face it. The pizza is good, but I have little to no self control, so I'm better avoiding it and having an excellent salad instead. I've adopted a "scorched earth" policy when it comes to my favorite foods. Until I can demonstrate some self disclipine, I won't let myself near them.
Life is good today. I'm feeling balanced and at peace.
Have a great weekend! Get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather. mid-70s and not too buggy yet. Remember, these are the days we DREAM about as we're nestled under feet of snow in the oddly blue-white haze of December twilight.
Take care,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
221 (44) Saute it Forward!
Good afternoon!
Gray and May... must be Chicago! No complaints though, for it is NOT raining (yet). 7 volleyball games tonight, all in the sand. Really don't want to cancel (or get soaked). I'd cross my fingers, but that would make it hard to typeoe.lalldl.a..e.;zae aknho See?
221! What happened? This is awesome! Thank you, evening bananas and almonds! Thank you brother-in-law, for pushing me out the door for an hour run last night (approx.5 miles). Thank you alarm clocks in the morning and 5am gym rats... you keep me there and happy and distracted from the tedium of consistency. So... HOW do I set aside more time for sleep? It's the missing puzzle piece...
Seriously though, 221! Yahoo! It's been a while since I've seen this number. In personal terms, this is 23 pounds lighter from the first entry in my exercise diary (3 years ago). It's also 34 pounds lighter than my heaviest recorded weight (in the foggy days of double order drive thrus and telling myself that "a night of volleyball is the same as a full workout"). I'm shaking my head and thinking of Jeff Goldblume's character in "The Big Chill" when he opined that rationalizations were more important than sex. "Ever gone a day without a juicy rationalization?" Good stuff, and VERY true.
So... a friend of mine dismissed my recent declaration that "I can't cook." She countered by saying that anyone can cook. "Can you read, Frank? Can you follow directions? You CAN cook." I tenderly pointed out that I AM illiterate, and that in a rather complicated Cyrano deBergerac'ian scheme, a secret earpiece and comedic situations have helped me navigate to the point where I was standing in front of her, claiming culinary naivete. She wasn't biting. Rats.
Well, the truth is that I don't take the time to prepare dishes outside of lunch. Take a look at a recent post where I show photos of my worktime meals... usually started on "a soft bed of baby spinach." I CAN make Cuban bread (warm, dense and delicious, just like me! haha), and I'm a whiz at Jello pretzel salad and graham cracker cookies (with a dash of butterscotch). Heck, I've even cut my teeth on Jello shots this year! (250 shots, flavored with vodka, tequila and, my favorite: amaretto!). So I DO cook, just not often or exotic dishes. Life will continue and I will add to my repertoire.
Alright... time to go. The gym is calling, as is that elusive number.... 219! (I whispered that number, by the way). Seems within reach. We're at the pinnacle of the week's physical training. Why not make a run for the sun?
Have a great night. Thanks for reading!
p.s. in a surprise stomach-churning turn of events, I'm playing volleyball tonight against the recent ex-girlfriend who is "still waiting for (/stalking) me". I'm only half kidding when I say... please don't do me any harm. We had a good run. The run is done. It's my hope that you can hang on to the good memories and carry them on into a bright future. Or as my culinary-minded friend would say... "Saute it forward."
Gray and May... must be Chicago! No complaints though, for it is NOT raining (yet). 7 volleyball games tonight, all in the sand. Really don't want to cancel (or get soaked). I'd cross my fingers, but that would make it hard to typeoe.lalldl.a..e.;zae aknho See?
221! What happened? This is awesome! Thank you, evening bananas and almonds! Thank you brother-in-law, for pushing me out the door for an hour run last night (approx.5 miles). Thank you alarm clocks in the morning and 5am gym rats... you keep me there and happy and distracted from the tedium of consistency. So... HOW do I set aside more time for sleep? It's the missing puzzle piece...
Seriously though, 221! Yahoo! It's been a while since I've seen this number. In personal terms, this is 23 pounds lighter from the first entry in my exercise diary (3 years ago). It's also 34 pounds lighter than my heaviest recorded weight (in the foggy days of double order drive thrus and telling myself that "a night of volleyball is the same as a full workout"). I'm shaking my head and thinking of Jeff Goldblume's character in "The Big Chill" when he opined that rationalizations were more important than sex. "Ever gone a day without a juicy rationalization?" Good stuff, and VERY true.
So... a friend of mine dismissed my recent declaration that "I can't cook." She countered by saying that anyone can cook. "Can you read, Frank? Can you follow directions? You CAN cook." I tenderly pointed out that I AM illiterate, and that in a rather complicated Cyrano deBergerac'ian scheme, a secret earpiece and comedic situations have helped me navigate to the point where I was standing in front of her, claiming culinary naivete. She wasn't biting. Rats.
Well, the truth is that I don't take the time to prepare dishes outside of lunch. Take a look at a recent post where I show photos of my worktime meals... usually started on "a soft bed of baby spinach." I CAN make Cuban bread (warm, dense and delicious, just like me! haha), and I'm a whiz at Jello pretzel salad and graham cracker cookies (with a dash of butterscotch). Heck, I've even cut my teeth on Jello shots this year! (250 shots, flavored with vodka, tequila and, my favorite: amaretto!). So I DO cook, just not often or exotic dishes. Life will continue and I will add to my repertoire.
Alright... time to go. The gym is calling, as is that elusive number.... 219! (I whispered that number, by the way). Seems within reach. We're at the pinnacle of the week's physical training. Why not make a run for the sun?
Have a great night. Thanks for reading!
p.s. in a surprise stomach-churning turn of events, I'm playing volleyball tonight against the recent ex-girlfriend who is "still waiting for (/stalking) me". I'm only half kidding when I say... please don't do me any harm. We had a good run. The run is done. It's my hope that you can hang on to the good memories and carry them on into a bright future. Or as my culinary-minded friend would say... "Saute it forward."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
223.5 (46.5) Have I ALWAYS been into chaos?
Good morning! I hope this posting finds you well.
Wednesday and gray out there today. It's not humid, and there's a sharp bite in the air. Nor is it a sharp "winter's coming" feel, but rather cold and crisp and full of life... like taking a bite out of a fresh stalk of broccoli.
So... here we are again. Lots to talk about, but not a lot of time at the moment. In the words of the underwear salesman, let's be brief.
The first reading on the scale this morning was 223.5. Second and third readings varied all the way to 225, so I'm opting to just weigh myself once from here on out, otherwise I'm putting way too much emphasis on this. As it is, weight loss has hijacked this blog lately (as well as earned a notation in every title).
It was a very good Memorial Day weekend for me. I slept in on Saturday and Monday. Good thing, too, as Bike the Drive on Sunday had us up before 4am! That was terrible and painful and much too early, even for me. I had a grumpy drive downtown Sunday morning, and in spite of the early wake up, we didn't start riding til 6:30. Next time, I HAVE to get to bed by 9 (instead of midnight).
The bike ride was awesome! What a great way to see the city, riding car-free (and carefree) along Lake Shore Drive on a bright and cloudless spring morning. Southbound riding was a breeze, but a cross wind going north really took its toll. Short supplies at the rest stops had my nephew upset ("No more cookies? I wanna go home!") Me too. But the final leg of the 30 mile trip was headed south, and it was a pleasure and a breeze. The day rounded out nicely with 4 hours of sand volleyball pick-up games at the park district, and then a nice dinner date at the end of the evening. There was talk of a movie but I would've been asleep before the previews finished.
Saturday! Woke up decadently at 10, was in the office by noon, at the pool by 5:30 and in the gym by 6:45. The lazy river was warm and comfortable, and the crowds were absent. Ran a quick mile on the treadmill, did one set of weights, and then zipped over to pick up some deep dish pizza and salad. Quiet night in, but stayed up til midnight (dummy).
Monday was a pleasure. Slept in again until about 10. Pancake house for breakfast (mmmm, butterscotch pancakes!), visited my friends and helped with their bonfire. Picnic lunch, then home for laundry, and finally an evening of bowling and a spaghetti dinner with 2 other couples and their kids. A great evening and a nice way to spend a cold and gray Memorial Day.
I made smart food choices all weekend with the exception of the deep dish pizza. Cold pizza for leftovers does NOT taste that great, yet I ate 4 pieces over Sunday and Monday. Bad choice. I made it back to the gym Tuesday morning and had a solid workout. I chose to sleep in this morning (Wednesday), but I packed my gym bag for a good workout tonight (feels like vacation, somehow). There'll be a little griefing from my fellow 5am gym rats tomorrow, but it was worth the extra hour of sleep. I played 8 games of volleyball last night, and my body is glad for the half day break.
So... I've been meditating on the idea that I have a tendency to create my own chaos. 10 actual meditation minutes! You know, my life is good, easy breezy, and then I create situations that cause unnecessary stress. It's more noticeable now simply because I have less overall stress in my life, and the addition of anything new (and stressful) is very apparent. I'm being vague, but that's alright. I received a "still waiting for you" email from an ex-girlfriend, and it bothered me. Move on! Please! For my sake! (laughing) I'm serious though. I was honest and direct when I knew I was no longer interested, and after months of no contact, I receive a "still have feelings for you" email. (sigh) Alright, written and done. I'm going to be Taoist about this... let it pass through me, and move on. It's not my issue to worry over. The correct response to this email will be: "Thank you for your email. My feelings haven't changed. I'm seeing other people. All the best." My instincts (and those whose advice I value) say this is the best course of action. Done and done.
Anyways... 223.5 is a great number for a Wednesday! Can we see 222 this week? That would be so incredibly great! I think we will, especially if I put in a 2000 calorie workout tonight. That means 2 hours of cardio + weights. Hmmm... I'll start packing a swimsuit and goggles for the pool, too. I want to add swimming to the routine, mixing things up and giving my knee a break. In terms of food, the big meal will be lunch (chicken breast, turkey chili and rice) and then a smart snack mid-afternoon, and a smart dinner... banana, 20 almonds, some leftover chili and rice.
Take care. Thanks for reading. Talk to you soon.
Wednesday and gray out there today. It's not humid, and there's a sharp bite in the air. Nor is it a sharp "winter's coming" feel, but rather cold and crisp and full of life... like taking a bite out of a fresh stalk of broccoli.
So... here we are again. Lots to talk about, but not a lot of time at the moment. In the words of the underwear salesman, let's be brief.
The first reading on the scale this morning was 223.5. Second and third readings varied all the way to 225, so I'm opting to just weigh myself once from here on out, otherwise I'm putting way too much emphasis on this. As it is, weight loss has hijacked this blog lately (as well as earned a notation in every title).
It was a very good Memorial Day weekend for me. I slept in on Saturday and Monday. Good thing, too, as Bike the Drive on Sunday had us up before 4am! That was terrible and painful and much too early, even for me. I had a grumpy drive downtown Sunday morning, and in spite of the early wake up, we didn't start riding til 6:30. Next time, I HAVE to get to bed by 9 (instead of midnight).
The bike ride was awesome! What a great way to see the city, riding car-free (and carefree) along Lake Shore Drive on a bright and cloudless spring morning. Southbound riding was a breeze, but a cross wind going north really took its toll. Short supplies at the rest stops had my nephew upset ("No more cookies? I wanna go home!") Me too. But the final leg of the 30 mile trip was headed south, and it was a pleasure and a breeze. The day rounded out nicely with 4 hours of sand volleyball pick-up games at the park district, and then a nice dinner date at the end of the evening. There was talk of a movie but I would've been asleep before the previews finished.
Saturday! Woke up decadently at 10, was in the office by noon, at the pool by 5:30 and in the gym by 6:45. The lazy river was warm and comfortable, and the crowds were absent. Ran a quick mile on the treadmill, did one set of weights, and then zipped over to pick up some deep dish pizza and salad. Quiet night in, but stayed up til midnight (dummy).
Monday was a pleasure. Slept in again until about 10. Pancake house for breakfast (mmmm, butterscotch pancakes!), visited my friends and helped with their bonfire. Picnic lunch, then home for laundry, and finally an evening of bowling and a spaghetti dinner with 2 other couples and their kids. A great evening and a nice way to spend a cold and gray Memorial Day.
I made smart food choices all weekend with the exception of the deep dish pizza. Cold pizza for leftovers does NOT taste that great, yet I ate 4 pieces over Sunday and Monday. Bad choice. I made it back to the gym Tuesday morning and had a solid workout. I chose to sleep in this morning (Wednesday), but I packed my gym bag for a good workout tonight (feels like vacation, somehow). There'll be a little griefing from my fellow 5am gym rats tomorrow, but it was worth the extra hour of sleep. I played 8 games of volleyball last night, and my body is glad for the half day break.
So... I've been meditating on the idea that I have a tendency to create my own chaos. 10 actual meditation minutes! You know, my life is good, easy breezy, and then I create situations that cause unnecessary stress. It's more noticeable now simply because I have less overall stress in my life, and the addition of anything new (and stressful) is very apparent. I'm being vague, but that's alright. I received a "still waiting for you" email from an ex-girlfriend, and it bothered me. Move on! Please! For my sake! (laughing) I'm serious though. I was honest and direct when I knew I was no longer interested, and after months of no contact, I receive a "still have feelings for you" email. (sigh) Alright, written and done. I'm going to be Taoist about this... let it pass through me, and move on. It's not my issue to worry over. The correct response to this email will be: "Thank you for your email. My feelings haven't changed. I'm seeing other people. All the best." My instincts (and those whose advice I value) say this is the best course of action. Done and done.
Anyways... 223.5 is a great number for a Wednesday! Can we see 222 this week? That would be so incredibly great! I think we will, especially if I put in a 2000 calorie workout tonight. That means 2 hours of cardio + weights. Hmmm... I'll start packing a swimsuit and goggles for the pool, too. I want to add swimming to the routine, mixing things up and giving my knee a break. In terms of food, the big meal will be lunch (chicken breast, turkey chili and rice) and then a smart snack mid-afternoon, and a smart dinner... banana, 20 almonds, some leftover chili and rice.
Take care. Thanks for reading. Talk to you soon.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
230.5 (53.5) Saturday
Slept in. Really needed it. At the office now. Fixing one file, posting to a lab,
and then out of here.
(a few hours later)....
Big lunch. Time today for the office, the pool, the gym.
(a few hours later)....
9:40 at night... great finish to the day! Swam at the local pool (lazy river counts as swimming, doesn't it?) Water slides, couple of laps, general floating... good stuff. Deep dish pizza and raspberry lemonade and really crisp lettuce for dinner. Went for the shortest workout of the week: mile and a half run, vertical chest presses, then home for dinner. oh yeah, pecan pie in a few minutes. Yum! My crazy knee is stiff and tender. Darn it. Is it the exercise? The injury back in high school? (twisted a ligament freshman year)... it's obnoxious right at the time I've really gotten tuned in to daily exercise. Time to get myself to see a doctor.
Bike the Drive tomorrow morning! Then meeting up with some friends in Grant Park after, and volleyball out in Palatine at 1pm. I'm hoping to sneak in a nap under a shade tree somewhere in between. :) It turned out to be a really good day.
Have a great night! Talk to you soon,
Friday, May 22, 2009
225 (48) A Good Start To the Weekend
Good afternoon!
Here we are, Sunset and Camden!
I weighed in at 225 pounds on a sunny Friday afternoon. The holiday weekend is here. 140 minutes left in the work day, and taking a moment to log in today. 48 pounds to go to reach my goal of 177! 6'4" and 177. I can't quite picture it in my mind yet, but I'm going to imagine it each night, summon it from the ether, make it real. First the illusion, and then the reality.
So... I'm okay with 225. I hoped for 223 (after the good numbers earlier this week), but a beer after volleyball kicked off some LATE NIGHT snacking, which translated to groggy and sluggish in the morning. I put my time in at the gym, but no records were broken (except the number of yawns). I'm pleased with the overall numbers and I've got my sights set on a weekend of smart nutritional choices. Yes, there's always the chance that I'll binge on the weekends, but the triggers (for a food meltdown) are nowhere in sight (heartache, stress, late nights, bad sitcoms). Instead I'm looking at a 30 mile bike ride on Sunday, time at the pool on Saturday, volleyball and friends on Sunday and Monday. Good times, and hopefully a nap under a tree, too.
Heard from a lot of high school friends this last week. Facebook has been a surprisingly good personal assistant. Friends from the past. It's turned into a very interesting month.
Yes. I'm feeling at peace today. My friend put my mind and heart at ease with her well-timed text message Wednesday morning. I like to think I'm a romantic fool, but I suspect that I'm really just a fool. (smiling thoughtfully) I think there's room for a good friendship with her in the months ahead. I hope she becomes a part of my life.
Have a great weekend! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
223.5 (46.5) Summer (almost) Confirmed!
Good morning!
9:15 and sunny and 80 degrees in Chicagoland! Seriously! What could be better???
(... watching the waves roll in along a black rock Hawaiian beach at sunrise WOULD be better... hmmm, I'll let you know within the year).
So... the climb to 223 continues, and we're nearly there! I've had 2 days of 223.5 in a row! This is fantastic and a total surprise. What's different about the last couple of days? I've kept my late night foraging down to a minimum, and the morning workouts/nightly volleyball have been much more consistent than usual. (shrug) I keep picturing a glass (body). Exercise, volleyball, good sleep, smart nutrional choices, breathing exercises and limiting stress becomes the water that fills the glass. Mostly the glass gets.... 90% full, and then recedes. The moment it overflows, that's when the weight loss kicks in. The message? Push through my limitations every day. It's just a LITTLE MORE on top of the regular effort that'll yield results (the whipped cream on the sundae). The other message? I'm a sucker for analogies. Artist background, I suppose. :) Speaking of which, new sketch pages to come, and soon! Thanks for being patient.
Plyometrics are next! With all the volleyball and friendly coaching from my teammates, I'm showing improvement with smart hitting and blocking at the net, but the power in my spikes has disappeared. I feel slow. Plyometrics, and the development of "quick twitch" muscles this summer is my best 'next step'. Three summer sand leagues should build up my leg muscles and give me a chance to get faster. Yeah, it's shaping up to be a promising summer!
Pools open this Saturday! Lazy river, here I come. I've been meditating more these days (praying, too), so why not combine those practices with an inner tube, a winding waterway, a summer breeze and a good tan? C'mon summer... you're so close to us....
Alright, back to work! Take care, and as always, thanks for reading. One more early morning workout (tomorrow), and my fingers are crossed for a subject line that starts "223!"
Take care! If you can't get out today, at LEAST crack open a window. It's positively beautiful out there!
9:15 and sunny and 80 degrees in Chicagoland! Seriously! What could be better???
(... watching the waves roll in along a black rock Hawaiian beach at sunrise WOULD be better... hmmm, I'll let you know within the year).
So... the climb to 223 continues, and we're nearly there! I've had 2 days of 223.5 in a row! This is fantastic and a total surprise. What's different about the last couple of days? I've kept my late night foraging down to a minimum, and the morning workouts/nightly volleyball have been much more consistent than usual. (shrug) I keep picturing a glass (body). Exercise, volleyball, good sleep, smart nutrional choices, breathing exercises and limiting stress becomes the water that fills the glass. Mostly the glass gets.... 90% full, and then recedes. The moment it overflows, that's when the weight loss kicks in. The message? Push through my limitations every day. It's just a LITTLE MORE on top of the regular effort that'll yield results (the whipped cream on the sundae). The other message? I'm a sucker for analogies. Artist background, I suppose. :) Speaking of which, new sketch pages to come, and soon! Thanks for being patient.
Plyometrics are next! With all the volleyball and friendly coaching from my teammates, I'm showing improvement with smart hitting and blocking at the net, but the power in my spikes has disappeared. I feel slow. Plyometrics, and the development of "quick twitch" muscles this summer is my best 'next step'. Three summer sand leagues should build up my leg muscles and give me a chance to get faster. Yeah, it's shaping up to be a promising summer!
Pools open this Saturday! Lazy river, here I come. I've been meditating more these days (praying, too), so why not combine those practices with an inner tube, a winding waterway, a summer breeze and a good tan? C'mon summer... you're so close to us....
Alright, back to work! Take care, and as always, thanks for reading. One more early morning workout (tomorrow), and my fingers are crossed for a subject line that starts "223!"
Take care! If you can't get out today, at LEAST crack open a window. It's positively beautiful out there!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
226.5 (49.5) So... What's for Life?
Good morning!
My coworker and I have worked together for over 10 years now. We have thrived where few others were able to take root. Strange plants are we.
10 years means lots of routine around here. One standard conversation is "So, what's for lunch?" The earlier the question is asked, the hungrier the inquisitor is. By the way, today I have nothing in particular for lunch. I have some turkey chili, a juice smoothie, saltine crackers and Granny Smith apples. Interesting diet. I call it "Cabinet Buffet".
So today's title is a nice play on that (daily) question. My divorce was just about a year ago, and I feel like I'm ready to fly out of this holding pattern I've been in for the last 3 months. This is going to be exciting. More to come as the plan crystallizes, although today's mission is to draw up my budget for the rest of the year. That'll help me with the next question: do I stay, do I rent, dare I buy?
226.5 this morning! Woke up to my 3rd alarm at 4:40 (When the Saints Go Marching In) and for a 2nd day in a row (woo hoo!) I was at the gym when it opened. I felt like I was on auot-pilot yesterday, but today was a strong day. 30 minutes of good elliptical, and then 4 weight machines for the full 15-12-8-10 rep cycle (15 reps of my standard weights, 12 of the next heaviest weight, 8 for the NEXT heaviest weight, and then 10 for the same weight as the 12 rep). I feel good, strong, a little tired, and ready for the day.
I'm going to make another run for 223 this week! I've got a good shot at it, too, with gym every morning and volleyball through Thursday night. I need to curb the late night foraging and I should be good to go!
It's sunny out there today. Blue skies and light clouds. There's a rumor of 80+ degress tomorrow. It's more than welcome! Memorial Day is a week away, and I'm ready to hit the pools and water parks. C'mon, warm(er) weather!
Take care! Get out and enjoy this springtime weather!
My coworker and I have worked together for over 10 years now. We have thrived where few others were able to take root. Strange plants are we.
10 years means lots of routine around here. One standard conversation is "So, what's for lunch?" The earlier the question is asked, the hungrier the inquisitor is. By the way, today I have nothing in particular for lunch. I have some turkey chili, a juice smoothie, saltine crackers and Granny Smith apples. Interesting diet. I call it "Cabinet Buffet".
So today's title is a nice play on that (daily) question. My divorce was just about a year ago, and I feel like I'm ready to fly out of this holding pattern I've been in for the last 3 months. This is going to be exciting. More to come as the plan crystallizes, although today's mission is to draw up my budget for the rest of the year. That'll help me with the next question: do I stay, do I rent, dare I buy?
226.5 this morning! Woke up to my 3rd alarm at 4:40 (When the Saints Go Marching In) and for a 2nd day in a row (woo hoo!) I was at the gym when it opened. I felt like I was on auot-pilot yesterday, but today was a strong day. 30 minutes of good elliptical, and then 4 weight machines for the full 15-12-8-10 rep cycle (15 reps of my standard weights, 12 of the next heaviest weight, 8 for the NEXT heaviest weight, and then 10 for the same weight as the 12 rep). I feel good, strong, a little tired, and ready for the day.
I'm going to make another run for 223 this week! I've got a good shot at it, too, with gym every morning and volleyball through Thursday night. I need to curb the late night foraging and I should be good to go!
It's sunny out there today. Blue skies and light clouds. There's a rumor of 80+ degress tomorrow. It's more than welcome! Memorial Day is a week away, and I'm ready to hit the pools and water parks. C'mon, warm(er) weather!
Take care! Get out and enjoy this springtime weather!
Monday, May 18, 2009
229.5 (52.5) Another Week: Bright and Sunny in spite of my mood
Good morning!
The best moment and the worst moment of the weekend were side-by-side. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. yesterday morning, totally lost as to the day. I thought I had missed my window for a full workout, that it was Monday, I would be running late, and completely behind. After a minute or so, though, as I was collecting my senses, I realized it was actually only Sunday, and that a full rich day was ahead of me! What a relief! I dozed for another hour, then watched the next installment of "The Biggest Loser" on my laptop (from bed). Very decadent, and a much nicer way to start the day.
This was another odd weekend, filled with surprises and disappointments. I've been cultivating the art of "No Expectations" and it works well enough... until I find myself cancelled on and feeling let down. I guess I need to be more honest about my TRUE expectations, especially the long shots.
So... I had a lot of open time on Saturday. Went for a great 30 mile bike ride with my younger brother along the lakefront, and ended the day caught up on laundry, rest, and downtime. Sunday was a sunny day at Six Flags with very low crowds and some great rollercoasters. I made it back home in time to get in a very quick workout at the gym (weights only) and finish the day strong (in spite of onion rings, fried mushrooms, hot pretzels and cheese! lol). A very good night's sleep and a 4:30 wake up helped me be one of the first gym rats in this morning. It was an "auto pilot" day at the gym, but that's fine with me.
I'm feeling sad but not surprised this morning. I'm thinking that it's time for a change in my life. I usually do things in haste, so perhaps the first step is to think things over carefully and make a SMART change, one that improves upon my situation. More to come as I meditate on this.
Volleyball tonight. Work, and a tasty salad, right now.
I hope you're well. Spring is here! :)
The best moment and the worst moment of the weekend were side-by-side. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. yesterday morning, totally lost as to the day. I thought I had missed my window for a full workout, that it was Monday, I would be running late, and completely behind. After a minute or so, though, as I was collecting my senses, I realized it was actually only Sunday, and that a full rich day was ahead of me! What a relief! I dozed for another hour, then watched the next installment of "The Biggest Loser" on my laptop (from bed). Very decadent, and a much nicer way to start the day.
This was another odd weekend, filled with surprises and disappointments. I've been cultivating the art of "No Expectations" and it works well enough... until I find myself cancelled on and feeling let down. I guess I need to be more honest about my TRUE expectations, especially the long shots.
So... I had a lot of open time on Saturday. Went for a great 30 mile bike ride with my younger brother along the lakefront, and ended the day caught up on laundry, rest, and downtime. Sunday was a sunny day at Six Flags with very low crowds and some great rollercoasters. I made it back home in time to get in a very quick workout at the gym (weights only) and finish the day strong (in spite of onion rings, fried mushrooms, hot pretzels and cheese! lol). A very good night's sleep and a 4:30 wake up helped me be one of the first gym rats in this morning. It was an "auto pilot" day at the gym, but that's fine with me.
I'm feeling sad but not surprised this morning. I'm thinking that it's time for a change in my life. I usually do things in haste, so perhaps the first step is to think things over carefully and make a SMART change, one that improves upon my situation. More to come as I meditate on this.
Volleyball tonight. Work, and a tasty salad, right now.
I hope you're well. Spring is here! :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
227.5 (50.5) - Thursday and sore knee
Good afternoon!
2 days since the last post. Hopped on the scale this morning and the smart-alec said to me: "Hey! One at a time!" harhar. Morning humor is not appreciated by the sleep-deprived.
So yesterday's number WAS a low one... 224.5. Today was 227.5, and no wonder! I consumed close to 4300 calories yesterday, with an estimated 160-200 grams of fat!!! One drive through and some late night ice cream really took their toll. Tack on the fact that I've overslept the last 2 mornings (aka: missed the 5am workout) and no wonder the weight creeped up.
Tonight there's a volleyball captain's meeting (for the upcoming sand leagues), and an 8pm sub out at Jesse Oaks! Fun night, although my right knee is tender today. A tendon? Not sure.... iced it last night, and will continue to do so for the next few evenings. Sand tonight, sand tomorrow, then a bike ride, tree removal, and Six Flags! Fun weekend, and I can't wait! I've acted like each night this week is a Friday night (keeping late hours, crashing on the couch).
Lunchtime! Catch ya later! The weather is beautiful outside today. The sky is a richer blue than I've seen it all week. Spring is a good thing in Chicago.
2 days since the last post. Hopped on the scale this morning and the smart-alec said to me: "Hey! One at a time!" harhar. Morning humor is not appreciated by the sleep-deprived.
So yesterday's number WAS a low one... 224.5. Today was 227.5, and no wonder! I consumed close to 4300 calories yesterday, with an estimated 160-200 grams of fat!!! One drive through and some late night ice cream really took their toll. Tack on the fact that I've overslept the last 2 mornings (aka: missed the 5am workout) and no wonder the weight creeped up.
Tonight there's a volleyball captain's meeting (for the upcoming sand leagues), and an 8pm sub out at Jesse Oaks! Fun night, although my right knee is tender today. A tendon? Not sure.... iced it last night, and will continue to do so for the next few evenings. Sand tonight, sand tomorrow, then a bike ride, tree removal, and Six Flags! Fun weekend, and I can't wait! I've acted like each night this week is a Friday night (keeping late hours, crashing on the couch).
Lunchtime! Catch ya later! The weather is beautiful outside today. The sky is a richer blue than I've seen it all week. Spring is a good thing in Chicago.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
225 - An Opening!
Good Morning!
What a great day! Bright sky, mid-May in Chicago. I'm shaking off the last vestiges of spring allergies (they were light this year), and the season is opening up beautifully!
Swimming starts soon, too! I was never quite an eel in the water, but I'm definitely an otter. In fact, you know those computer "aquariums"? The ones that act as screen savers? Why not one with otters? They're really fun to watch and I have yet to see someone frown after watching otters at play. Hmmm... maybe the million dollar idea for the day....
225! Back on track! And... a shot at low numbers this week! I woke up late, 5:30 a.m. (yes, the irony is not lost on me), but I hit that point where I realized.... HEY! 30 minutes is better than 0 minutes! Get up! Get running! and I did! 20 treadmill minutes, situps, crunches, then home. Everything is loose and I feel energized! and I'm 225 again! I love it! Thank goodness for AUTO PILOT some mornings. I'll get there.
So... added benefits of extra energy: CHORES! I cut the lawn last night. Arrived home from early volleyball and got the front lawn cut! Looks great - diagonal pattern! Baseball fan, I guess!
Okay... I'm outta here! 225! (48 to go!) Yahoo!
Take care! Thanks for reading!
p.s. Today, I'm feeling blessed for having understanding friends.
What a great day! Bright sky, mid-May in Chicago. I'm shaking off the last vestiges of spring allergies (they were light this year), and the season is opening up beautifully!
Swimming starts soon, too! I was never quite an eel in the water, but I'm definitely an otter. In fact, you know those computer "aquariums"? The ones that act as screen savers? Why not one with otters? They're really fun to watch and I have yet to see someone frown after watching otters at play. Hmmm... maybe the million dollar idea for the day....
225! Back on track! And... a shot at low numbers this week! I woke up late, 5:30 a.m. (yes, the irony is not lost on me), but I hit that point where I realized.... HEY! 30 minutes is better than 0 minutes! Get up! Get running! and I did! 20 treadmill minutes, situps, crunches, then home. Everything is loose and I feel energized! and I'm 225 again! I love it! Thank goodness for AUTO PILOT some mornings. I'll get there.
So... added benefits of extra energy: CHORES! I cut the lawn last night. Arrived home from early volleyball and got the front lawn cut! Looks great - diagonal pattern! Baseball fan, I guess!
Okay... I'm outta here! 225! (48 to go!) Yahoo!
Take care! Thanks for reading!
p.s. Today, I'm feeling blessed for having understanding friends.
Monday, May 11, 2009
230.5 (53.5) and a shocking new number
I have 7 siblings. One of my brothers is an excellent data collector. Dan was showing me his extensive charts on weight loss, and I learned last night that while I've been aiming for 195, the ideal "middle range" weight for 6'4" individuals is actually 177! (204 being the max, 160.? being lowest).
So... after a weekend of very sketchy journaling, and poor food choices on Sunday (grilled chicken tacos from Taco Bell), Monday started with a mind-numbing headache and a starting weight of 230.5. I managed a regular morning workout, including weights, but my intensity was lacking on the elliptical. 3.55 miles in 50 minutes.... that's about 75% of my typical effort. ..... I'm glad I was in the gym. I'll refocus for better effort tomorrow morning.
Aiming for better balance in my personal life, too. I'm so incredibly hasty when it comes to the most important things in my life, and I often regret my rash actions. I opened my silly mouth on Friday morning, and spent the next 2 days regretting my incomplete declarations. To my great surprise and relief, my friend wrote me back on Sunday. I'm blessed to be surrounded by people with better sense and a longer view. Spirit lifted, the weekend ended on a much better note than it began. Patience, careful analysis, and an open heart.
That's all I have for today. Broccoli and spinach and cucumber and chicken panini this morning. I hope you're well. Spring is here, and the weather's getting better and better.
Take care,
So... after a weekend of very sketchy journaling, and poor food choices on Sunday (grilled chicken tacos from Taco Bell), Monday started with a mind-numbing headache and a starting weight of 230.5. I managed a regular morning workout, including weights, but my intensity was lacking on the elliptical. 3.55 miles in 50 minutes.... that's about 75% of my typical effort. ..... I'm glad I was in the gym. I'll refocus for better effort tomorrow morning.
Aiming for better balance in my personal life, too. I'm so incredibly hasty when it comes to the most important things in my life, and I often regret my rash actions. I opened my silly mouth on Friday morning, and spent the next 2 days regretting my incomplete declarations. To my great surprise and relief, my friend wrote me back on Sunday. I'm blessed to be surrounded by people with better sense and a longer view. Spirit lifted, the weekend ended on a much better note than it began. Patience, careful analysis, and an open heart.
That's all I have for today. Broccoli and spinach and cucumber and chicken panini this morning. I hope you're well. Spring is here, and the weather's getting better and better.
Take care,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
224 (29) How Much Sleep is Needed, Anyways?
Crazy scale... it can't make up its mind.
Hopped on this morning, 223. Nice! Checked again, 223. Alright. 3rd time's the charm.... 224! hmmm... alright, one more verification....(hopped on scale after my shower).... 225!!
So... I'm happy with 224. That's a great number. I was 226 a couple of days ago, and in the 230s for the better part of March and April. 4 days of 5 a.m. workouts (with a lot of evening volleyball) and very scrupulous nutritional journaling. I'm headed back in the right direction.
Gotta journal. It's the most important step. I'm serious. If I eat it, I write it down. If I don't write it down, these "invisible calories" have a way of adding up REAL FAST. When I'm at the gym, I think to myself: "I'm here to keep my metabolism from going into 'survival only' mode." When I'm looking at a plate of veggies (instead of pizza), I think to myself: "I'm doing this to stay healthy, get strong and lean, and have the right fuel for my workouts." And when I journal about my food and exercise for the day, I say to myself: "This is tedious, but it's the lynchpin upon which my goals are tethered. What I'm writing down today is worth its weight in gold. I'm creating a source of data for support, study, refinement and reflection."
So... I was hungry last night. Stomach-crawlingly hungry. But it was 11pm. Chose a slug of Gatorade and a glass of water. Stomach quieted, went to bed. This morning... felt a lot better, but 4 days of 3+ gym miles (and 8 miles on Tuesday), my legs and arms are sore. So enter the 4th most important thing: STRETCH.
(repeat daily)
It's been a good week. I'm concerned that I'm shortchanging myself on sleep, and that my evening activities will cut too deeply into the 7 hours of sleep I want. Tonight is no exception. Just have to make it to the weekend.... (later workouts on Sat/Sun, more opportunities to nap in the afternoon).
Thanks! Those are my thoughts on weight loss today. The morning's broccoli and spinach taste good, and will see me through for another hour before lunch (rice and beans and garlic salsa).
Take care! Today I'm prepared to make the right decisions.
p.s. When I see 219.... oh, I'm going to be smiling. That's a GREAT number!
Hopped on this morning, 223. Nice! Checked again, 223. Alright. 3rd time's the charm.... 224! hmmm... alright, one more verification....(hopped on scale after my shower).... 225!!
So... I'm happy with 224. That's a great number. I was 226 a couple of days ago, and in the 230s for the better part of March and April. 4 days of 5 a.m. workouts (with a lot of evening volleyball) and very scrupulous nutritional journaling. I'm headed back in the right direction.
Gotta journal. It's the most important step. I'm serious. If I eat it, I write it down. If I don't write it down, these "invisible calories" have a way of adding up REAL FAST. When I'm at the gym, I think to myself: "I'm here to keep my metabolism from going into 'survival only' mode." When I'm looking at a plate of veggies (instead of pizza), I think to myself: "I'm doing this to stay healthy, get strong and lean, and have the right fuel for my workouts." And when I journal about my food and exercise for the day, I say to myself: "This is tedious, but it's the lynchpin upon which my goals are tethered. What I'm writing down today is worth its weight in gold. I'm creating a source of data for support, study, refinement and reflection."
So... I was hungry last night. Stomach-crawlingly hungry. But it was 11pm. Chose a slug of Gatorade and a glass of water. Stomach quieted, went to bed. This morning... felt a lot better, but 4 days of 3+ gym miles (and 8 miles on Tuesday), my legs and arms are sore. So enter the 4th most important thing: STRETCH.
(repeat daily)
It's been a good week. I'm concerned that I'm shortchanging myself on sleep, and that my evening activities will cut too deeply into the 7 hours of sleep I want. Tonight is no exception. Just have to make it to the weekend.... (later workouts on Sat/Sun, more opportunities to nap in the afternoon).
Thanks! Those are my thoughts on weight loss today. The morning's broccoli and spinach taste good, and will see me through for another hour before lunch (rice and beans and garlic salsa).
Take care! Today I'm prepared to make the right decisions.
p.s. When I see 219.... oh, I'm going to be smiling. That's a GREAT number!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
226 and rolling (31) - Happy May!


Hello and Good Morning!
It's May 6th, and months have passed. I've lost a pound since my last blog! And kept it off for 2 days in a row. Progress! Ahh, but you know, it's not about what we've lost so much as it's about what we've gained in the interim.
I was fortunate enough to play volleyball over New Year's Eve, spiking in the New Year, as it were. What a great way to usher in 2009! It was the wild card option for the evening, and I'm glad I took a chance.
Crazy good fortune smiled on me and 5 weeks later I was in Japan, on a 9-day whirlwind tour of Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Miyajima and Kegon (among others). What an amazing trip! I still shake my head that there are places in the world firmly rooted both in the future and the ancient past.
Bought a new bike.... super lightweight and a huge improvement over my mountain bike of 14+ years. I feel like quicksilver on wheels, and spring has never been so welcome (in spite of constant sneezing from early allergies).
Came back from Vegas last week! Small world... saw a friend at McCarran Airport! One of my morning Bally's exercisers... funny how things go. And nice to set down roots... unexpected surprises in life. BTW, Vegas was great. This was a pure gambling trip. Craps took its toll, however, and blackjack brought me back into the money. Came back from 4 days in the dessert with a small fortune! (due to the sad fact that I arrived out there with a large fortune!)
Volleyball and exercise continue to dominate the weekdays. I'm determined to meet my primary goal (And the title of this post) with early bedtimes (9:30) and morning workouts (5am). So far so good. I recently hit 1 year of logged gym days! That's 365 workouts out of 913 days.... a workout every 2.5 days! Nice! I've maintained a 17 pound weight loss since this began at the end of July 2006. Perspective really helps, especially when there's not a lot of change in the day-to-day.
Other than that, I'm loving all the broccoli and spinach in the mornings! Good stuff (lol). What a change, and what a surprise. It's been a year since my divorce, and it's the little habits, the daily things that have saved my life. My family, my friends, perspective, prayer and broccoli have combined to get me to a healthier place. I live a charmed life.
Onwards and upwards. I've begun to speak my mind, earlier and more directly than any other time in my life. I'm still a terrible listener but there are signs of improvement. I have very few expectations but plenty of hope, and I will give back love and help and support wherever I can. It's a simple truth of the universe: Shared pain is lessened. Shared joy is increased. (and a good block in volleyball beats a solid spike any day!)
...and shared meals are great! Here are photos of yesterday's breakfast and lunch. I'm very proud of my creations! Enjoy!
Frank (Woody)
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