Monday, January 18, 2010

I was distracted by the messenger...

...and what a lovely distraction she was.

It's taken time, longer than I would have guessed (when it comes to love, I'll linger a moment more), yet here we are, clear minds and open hearts. It took a while to separate my affection for a friend from the joy in the direction she was pointing me towards. A slight misstep in an important neuro-association, but an easily-remedied error.

Did I mention that my thoughts and actions are a poor translation of the incredible love and service of my parents? "If you think I'm nice, this is NOTHING compared to my Mom and Dad...". Such a bittersweet admission, but the clue on how to rise above what I've done until now is buried within that statement.

On a different note, we learned last week how to slow our heartbeats in the pool. Bob up and down with the rhythm of the water and we quickly get tuned into something larger than ourselves. In a wider sense, the same is happening elsewhere and everywhere in my daily life. There is a growing sense of Calm.

I pray it's Compassion, not Indifference, that has entered my life.

Time will tell.*

*my sincere apologies....this particular line causes a justifiable eye-roll with one of my friends. And yet, it is STILL the best line for this occasion.

There are very few absolutes in Life, and I absolutely believe that.

Thanks for reading this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Insert eyeroll here. UGH!!! ha ha