Wednesday, August 26, 2009

221 (44) C is for COLONOSCOPY

Good morning, dear friend!

And what a lovely day it is! The rain has been falling steadily since daybreak, and the earth is drinking its fill. What water collected on my Jeep poured down upon me in a shocking stream when I opened the driver's side door. I need to be quicker getting in the car... or get a better soft top for the Wrangler. Still, it was funny... and it's just water.

Well! Today is a very interesting day! Much like Christmas Eve. Well, it's the eve of something, but not presents! I have a colonoscopy tomorrow! Yay! I like to think of it as "The Fantastic Voyage". In just under 22 hours from now we'll join the good doctor and his team of specialists as they explore the inner workings of FRANK, searching for polyps, laughs, and high adventure on a Road Like No Other!

Will he be able to match the 99 hour fast of his fabulous sister? (no, as the late night chicken soft taco will attest to). Will he be able to bid "Adieu" to his beloved broccoli in order to make history? (well, for a day, I can keep the greens at bay). Will this help him jump higher, run faster, be overall funnier and STILL play the piano? (insert sound of 6Million Dollar Man here)

All these questions will be answered on August 27th!

... actually, I've been told it's a routine procedure, no drama, I'm sedated and pretty much out of it. Not even a fridge magnet as a keepsake.

Ahh well...So today it's water and Gatorade and more water and ever more Gatorade and yes, I'm still playing volleyball tonight (I HOPE this isn't a mistake, it'll be between dosings of the fluid that's supposed to help prep me). Fingers crossed....

hey! just fought off my first hunger pang of the day! Take that, HP, have more Gatorade!

All right, I should go. I'll write again on Friday, perhaps tomorrow evening. I'm sorry that the SCOPE has hijacked today's post. In other news, I've been working out regularly in the mornings, and it's been wonderful! Had a great dinner last night at a restaurant called KARYN'S RAW (on Halsted, by the Steppenwolf). Very tasty, very creative! I recommend the Jamaican ginger ale and the empanadas.

Um...I still need to buy a new bike helmet after last week's crash. and yeah, all else is good. I'm challenged by the usual trials, and I laugh at the antics of my friends. Life is good.

Take care! and thanks...

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