Thursday, September 3, 2009

214 (37 pounds to go) - A Beautiful Dream & Wide Awake

214 pounds!

Every other time I've made it down to this weight, I felt as if it were from running at break-neck speed for far too long, completely exhausted, winded, and out of my mind. For the first time, I'm here, calm and breathing free and easy, wide awake in the middle of a lovely dream!

I KNOW it's not just about the number on the scale! Everything is tingling with life, vitality and energy, and I'm just so grateful to have lived to see this day! Life is such a surprise, especially when you least expect it.

I wonder what is just up ahead, around the bend. And yet, I'm perfectly happy enjoying the lovely scenery today.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope the day surprises you in a small (and wonderful) way.


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